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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Richie Madden Children's Foundation is Born

Richie Madden Children's Foundation is Born

As a follow up to an earlier Fropki story, Nicole Richie and Joel Madden have officially launched their children's charity. And they're already making the world a better place.

Yesterday, Joel and Nicole hosted a surprise baby shower for one hundred new and expecting mothers at the Los Angeles Free Clinic in Hollywood, California. During the event, more than $200,000 worth of gifts were bestowed upon the women.

And the "Simple Life" starlet was beaming from ear to ear. "The looks on their faces were priceless. Some of them didn't even believe us [when they saw the gifts]. They thought we were joking," she told press.

The Richie Madden Children's Foundation was started in honor of Joel and Nicole's yet-to-be-born (due in January) child, and the expecting parents say that they hope it instills a sense of social responsibility in their baby. The Good Charlotte rocker told press, "We grew up in Los Angeles and we want our child to be a part of the community, and to know that there's a responsibility to help the community."

As for the charity's moniker, Richie reported, "We named it the Richie Madden Children's Foundation because we each have families and our families are close, and our family is involved.

Joel added, "We're lucky that we have families that get along and love each other. I think it's great that our child will grow up as a part of that family."
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